1 definition by sweet spot

charlee dobesh is one of the best people you could ever meet. she’s down for anything and everything, she’s gorgeous but she doesn’t know it, she can be happy but she’s mostly sad about everything she doesn’t know why but it’s true. she really chill and honest. she knows how to have a good time. when she’s not dating someone no one likes her but when she’s in a relationship boys are all lined up. she’s ur ride or die she’s considered the popular girl, but she’s not mean or rude. she’s actually really nice and super sweet! if you ever come across charlee dobesh you have to become friends with her
boy: yo dude look it’s charlee dobesh

person: dude she’s literally gorgeous wtf

boy: i wish i was her man
person: dudeee she has a boyfriend
boy: shit
by sweet spot November 23, 2019
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