2 definitions by stage ninja

They are here to keep the peace in the Nintendo Universe... and put on kick-ass cosplay shows! They are a troupe of performers committed to creating enjoyable Nintendo/Video Game-parody shows, rated "M" for mature!

Shows are performed at Florida Supercon.

To learn more search for "3000 Brigade" on Facebook and check our "madhatterjr" account on youtube to see past videos of their shows.
by stage ninja January 18, 2010
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The Smash Bros Super show is a Cosplay show that has all your favorite Nintendo characters from now, and from the future in it! The Super Live Action Hyper Extreme Smash Bros 3000 Super show was put on by 3KB Productions (aka 3000 Brigade). It is written and directed by Erin Hurst. The show is a Main Event at Florida Supercon, and the first 4 installments can be seen on youtube under the title "Super Smash Bros 3000" by account "madhatterjr".
Smash Bros Super Show

3000 Brigade
by stage ninja January 18, 2010
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