1 definition by someone129

A decent country unfortunately marred by a deep-seated anti-indian, anti-hindu sentiment. instead of cooperating, both countries would rather threaten each other with war. Most people say how terrible and oppressive india is and how glorious and unique pakistan is, yet most people refuse to accept that their cultures, ethicities and even religions are very similar. While pakistan is mostly muslim, india has a signifant and proudly-indian muslim population. Unfortunately, many pakistanis think that indians are racially, culturally, and militarily inferior, while pakistan originates from india, a fact they deeply seem to resent instead of make peace with.
pakistan is a decent country, but its indophobia must not be encouraged. likewise, india must try to seek peace with pakistan. it is NOT a terrorist haven, though sadly terrorists from pakistan do mar peace efforts constantly.
by someone129 October 18, 2009
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