1 definition by snig master2

noun; snig -the art of masterbation, to snig is to masterbate

verb; snigging

sniggery; a place in which snig occurs and or is produced

also see adj; snig - jizm
aidan is the snig master '

all work and no snigging makes aidan dull boy

aidan produces a dick load of snig

aidans sniggery was filled with so much snig by the time we managed to put all the snig into a snig proof bag he had already began snigging in the other room. the air was heavy with snig resin as we tried our best for the snig not to penetrate our snig retaining suits. but unfortunately our inferior snig powers were no match for the snig master and we were forced to abandon the sniggery before being crushed under an avalanche of snig
by snig master2 March 21, 2010
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