2 definitions by snarky texas

When a bored, entitled billionaire buys a social media platform and literally sinks it overnight by killing thousands of jobs and making people pay $8 to make up for its new bogged down debt, yet touts that he's a free speech absolutist... literally destroying a massive platform from within.
Yo, have you seen the Twitter share price right now? Yeah, that's what happens when a Twitterfucker buys the company and immediately fires half the administration and thousands of employees.
by snarky texas November 4, 2022
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When a bored, entitled billionaire buys a social media platform and literally sinks it overnight by killing thousands of jobs and making people pay $8 to make up for its new bogged down debt, yet touts that he's a free speech absolutist... literally destroying a massive platform from within.
Yo, have you seen the Twitter share price right now? … Yeah, that's what happens when a Twitterfucker buys the company and immediately fires half the administration, thousands of employees, and bogs it down with billions of dollars in new debt.
by snarky texas November 4, 2022
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