1 definition by slapllowance

1. An allowance to slap (root: slap-allowance). may often include conditions, eg. Person A gives Person B a slapllowance to slap him if he goes about a certain act.

2. May also be given concerning an inferior. Eg. one Bro gives another bro a slapllowance for his girlfriend
Chad: Bro, if I hook up with a 4 again, I give you a slapllowance to slap the shit out of me.
Brad: Whatever bro, going by your track record I'll do nothing but slap the shit out of you then.


Brad: I give you a slapllowance to slap the shit out of my girlfriend if she grinds on someone.
Chad: Can do brodero
by slapllowance March 2, 2018
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