2 definitions by slang scientist


1. a term of endearment between white people
2. Anthropology . a member of the peoples traditionally classified as the Caucasian race, esp. those peoples having light to fair skin
1. "What's up cokka!"

2. Question-"Who is the whiteboy over there?"
Response-"Him? Oh, thats my cokka!"
by slang scientist April 7, 2009
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1. a sound

1. a series of cadences or sounds commonly misinterpreted by Western people when passively listening to Hindi,Urdu,Tamil or other ethnic South Asian dialects

1. a derogatory word describing those of South Asian descent

Origin: England
Enough of that bad bad ding ding gibberish!!!!! Just give me my fifty cents so I can leave this incense-filled smog-of-a-7/11, Haji, before I cough out a jasmine lung flower!!!!!
by slang scientist April 22, 2009
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