2 definitions by sidz
A mid-size, whitewashed town in Southwestern Missouri where there's a church on every corner. Its claim to fame is being referenced in the Route 66 Song as well as being in an SNL skit. Commonly referred to as JoMo. Full of open-minded people who want to get out of this wasteland. Full of even more close-minded people who regularly worship George W. Bush and could not point out Germany on a map if their lives depended on it.
by sidz July 22, 2006
A mid-size, whitewashed town in Southwestern Missouri where there's a church on every corner. Its claim to fame is being referenced in the Route 66 Song as well as being in an SNL skit. Commonly referred to as JoMo. Full of open-minded people who want to get out of this wasteland. Full of even more close-minded people who regularly worship George W. Bush and could not point out Germany on a map if their lives depended on it.
by sidz July 23, 2006