2 definitions by sheaho

Being semi-popular would mean you are either apart of many friend groups (including the popular kids group- or maybe just a couple of groups) or you are well known around the school where every knows your name but not many people talk to you

They are usually seen as the misfit (or quiet kid) of the popular kids group but the cool/chill kid of a ‘lower class’ friend group.
Person 1: “Hey look it’s that semi-popular kid again”
Person 2: “Yea they seem chill but they don’t talk much.”
by sheaho December 3, 2019
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Luvjyot is a quiet and freaky girl who really wants a relationship. She keeps running back to her ex(´s) even when she knows that she shouldn’t. She’s always looking at relationship goals or cute boys online. Luvjyot has a lot of friends and is semi-popular. Everyone knows her name but no one really talks to her. A lot of the times she feels lonely and she thinks she can’t really trust anyone but at the same time it takes her forever to reply to her friends messages.
Friend 1: “Hey isn’t that luvjyot over there talking to her ex?”
Friend 2: “Yea.. She needs to get over him!”
by sheaho December 3, 2019
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