1 definition by sentera

Amanda- meaning worthy of love in latin. amazingly beautful, but she dosent know it. she has a wonderful personality but thinks differently. around friends she is vary outgoing. but in crouds and around people she dosent know she is vary shy. she is vary emotional. you will be lucky to have her as a friend for she is vary loyal and trustworthy. you are ether on her good side or on her bad side. there are few peolpe she dosent like. but she can make there lives hell if she wants to. she trys to help everybody, and will give you any advice she can if you need it. she will tell you things you need to hear, and it dosent matter if you wanna hear it or not. she has many admirers but dosent know it. if your lucky enugh to be with her, dont screw it up. the feeling she has for anybody will last no matter what. but theres no telling when they will fade. she loves with all her heart. dont loose her.
by sentera September 23, 2011
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