1 definition by screwfootball

One of the stupidest sports to play for a school.Everyone thinks by playing football their tough, but their aren't, just stupid.Football takes all the money out of the schools athletic funding, and for what? to see a bunch of sweaty men grab each others nuts, grab a stupid ball, which isnt even shaped like a ball. It takes no brains to play football, actually, it destroys brain cells by the constant head trauma. Oh and no one comes to the games to see the game, they come to the games just like in nascar, to see if some one gets wrecked, or gets killed. Oh and you say all other sports are for pussie, well fuck you ass monkeys, yeah look up the term ass monkeys
American Football scenerio

Bill: Why do we have no tennis balls for the tennis team, soccerballs for the soccer team, or any baseballs for the baseball team.

Rob:Oh well you see, we needed heated cup holders for our charter bus, that way we are ready to go play a game that could possible kill us, and that wont even get us a scholarship
by screwfootball March 29, 2011
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