1 definition by sadgirl1232

Shawn's are usually build well, not very tall, but for the most part are pretty attractive. Shawn's are very very easy going and are very shy at first. Once you get to know a Shawn they will become a rock to you. They remember every detail so be careful what you tell them. Shawn's get are normally extremely tough on the outside and do not appear soft in any aspect, however they are hurt very easily by other people. Shawn's also have a very hard time saying no to anyone and you will normally find Shawn's out and about doing things for other people normally with little regard for themselves. If you know a Shawn, treasure them, as long as your treat them nicely, you will have a friend forever! In a physical sense, Shawn's are very good with their hands and you might find them in very active or hands on careers, they do not like to sit still and have a work ethic stronger than most. Most importantly, if you find yourself falling in love with a Shawn, be very open. Shawn's will always be compassionate and understanding to anything you tell them and will never dig for more information. If you got a Shawn, you are lucky.......
Don't screw with Shawn, he is tough as nails.

I think I'm in love with Shawn! Yeah! I would be too

Shawn is stupid! He wouldn't get hurt so bad If he didn't put himself out there so much.
by sadgirl1232 December 21, 2020
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