2 definitions by rpunkboy
To stare someone down in an attempt to demonstrate who's more hardcore (i.e., who has more balls). If both persons refuse to drop their gaze, a fight usually entails.
by rpunkboy February 2, 2007
A persona that usually stems from a lack of self-identity, self-esteem, and/or cajones. The person is also usually a brown noser, as they try to please whomever they meet. In an effort to be accepted by the entire world, a "two faced" person will socially accomodate anyone they meet in an attempt to be popular and liked by everyone. More often than not, however, two faced bitches are usually covering up their assholism.
Sherry loved to be liked by everyone. There wasn't a person that she didn't meet that she could not be "friends" with. However, when her "friends" weren't around, she was a two faced bitch. "Damn, I fucking hate Janel; she's really a dirty cunt licking whore. Hey, I'm going shopping for Janel's birthday party on Friday, wanna help me pick something out for her?"
by rpunkboy September 14, 2007