1 definition by rintin441

in arabic means enlightened!!!
•having knowledge and spiritual insight

•educated: characterized by full comprehension of the problem involved; "an educated guess"; "an enlightened electorate"

tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance.
a beautiful, charmin intelligent, factually well-informed, tolerant of alternative opinions, and guided by rational thought.

A beauty from the origins of the middle east/India, slender, wholesome physical attractiveness, possessing beauty; aesthetically pleasing, highy enjoyable, pleasing to the eye or mind especially through her beauty or charm; with the most mesmerizing of eyes which are spell binding any hynotising.
Saiqa - Big booty, beautiful, caring and loving, respectful full of laughter and also full of rage!!!

To be treated with love and respect and treasured as a diamond.
by rintin441 February 7, 2010
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