1 definition by reggiereg

The most amazing man to walk the earth. Robert is smart, funny, devilishly handsome, sexy, fiercely strong yet extremely gentle, caring, genuine, determined, loving, kind, giving, and sensitive. He has a fantastic smile, he's stylish, the best cook, and an awesome dancer. Loves music and history, and especially history about music. Loves pets and children. A momma's boy in the sweetest of ways. He'll do anything for a loved one and give the shirt off his back. The sound of his voice is soothing and the sight of him can take your breath away. To be held in his arms is to know what security and safety truly feel like. He will never stand for disrespect toward his loved ones and will always protect those in his presence. He brings out the best in people. He's a life changer. He has a magnetism about him that draws people in. Everyone wants to be his friend, but few are worthy of receiving all he has to offer and truly getting to know him. The life of the party. Forever joking and singing. Always makes you smile. A rider, a golfer and a great shot. Life would never be complete without him in it. Someone you love so much it hurts.
by reggiereg February 5, 2010
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