3 definitions by punkrovkr827

when you've become so bored that you've already typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and all of its basic variations, so you decide to get creative and move in an inward-turning clockwise motion starting with m

Kenny: What's wrong?

Jeff: I'm sooooo fucking bored
by punkrovkr827 March 24, 2010
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Brandon: I gonna see if that slut Janie'll sleep with me.

Kyle: Yea, you get that fruit, boy.
by punkrovkr827 March 25, 2010
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a phrase that is used to cock block; it is either exclaimed out loud or said behind the back of the one being cock-blocked; in reference to the scene in Back to the Future
Bill: Check it out! Andy and Katy are really going at it.

by punkrovkr827 March 24, 2010
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