1 definition by pseudonymmmme

Ellies tend to be very creative, and they are often very funny in a sarcastic kinda way. An Ellie is usually very relaxed and chill, partly because she is a habitual stoner. She is very generous though, so she will probably share her weed with you! She is also an amazing artist.
She can hold grudges forver, so you should never offend an Ellie. If you do, she will probably give you the cold shoulder, and if you continue to disturb her peace she will become a total bitch. If you are nice to her, she will be an amazing loyal friend.
person 1: who is that girl in the art studio who always plays weird music?

person 2: oh that's Ellie. she's really chill

person 1: really? she always seemed kind bitchy to me

person 2: what are you talking about?! Ellie is amazing
by pseudonymmmme November 19, 2011
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