1 definition by princess.petty

Kezia is a athletic, intelligent, tall, gorgeous girl who is photogenic and is really good in bed, she has crazy, random friends who will stay by hers side no matter what. Kezia is more into dark skin guys and she is a musician and plays the trombone. Kezia is a center in basketball and dreams to be the female version of either Michael Jordan or Usain Bolt! Kezia also loves Mateo (The reverse king and wishes to marry him) She is also a great twerker!!
Boy#1: Damn do you see that girl?
Boy#2: Who?
Boy#1: Oh her?
Boy#1: Ya man I hear she is good in bed and she's athletic and she twerks ama-
Boy#1: That Kezia is my girl nigga, back dafaq up
Boy#2: Sorry man...but is she good in bed?
Both boys: AYYYYYY
by princess.petty January 17, 2017
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