1 definition by prime chap

A word used to describe someone who is super ugly. It literally means half ogre half ugly, hence the name ogly. It can be compared with chunderbird which is a girl who makes you physically sick or chunder when looked at but ogly is considerably worse. Can be used in conjunction with phrases like 'oh my daiz' to stress the point that the person is ogly.
Sometimes the word ogly is not enough to stress how ugly the person is, so the term OOOOgly can be used with a capital 'O' and by definition this means the persons fully an ogre and fully ugly, i.e. the ULTIMATE insult for an ugly person.
Mate 1: We all knew Shaun wasn't gay, he didnt have to prove it by pulling the ogliest bird in the world.
Mate 2: Don't you mean the OOOOgliest bird in the world with a capital OOOOgly!!!

Simy: Oh my daiz, that bird is ogly.
by prime chap July 27, 2007
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