1 definition by poeticmenrockmysocks

the slang definition of 'poetic' is usually a male that wears cardigans, fitted pants and dresses quite nicely. This person is usually also well spoken. It is difficult to tell if someone 'poetic' is gay.

Usually this person comes out of the closet as gay in about a year... But at the time all you can call them is poetic, because it is hard to say if they ARE gay or not.

Not all well dressed, well spoken males are gay, but the ones that are have a certain swagger about them that yells 'not straight' but are they... gay?

men are poetic when their sexual preferences are questionable.
Jessica: Greg's brother is...

Lauren: ...

Jessica: ...

Lauren: Poetic looking.

Jessica: Yeah, look at his button up cardigan.

Lauren: And how he interacts with females.

One Year Later: Greg's Brother is Gay
by poeticmenrockmysocks December 15, 2010
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