1 definition by pineapple trainreck

The Sahar i know is a beautiful girl, who deserves so much but unfortunately has the worst luck in happiness. At times she will fake her smile just to make you smile and will always try to hide her emotions. Despite what might be going in her own world, she will always be there for you; to help you and support you through thick and thin. She has never felt love and therefore is extremely scared of love for herself but will love you to death. As she is afraid of letting you in, she will as time paces and once she lets you in she is afraid of losing you. She may be afraid of talking to you because of her past but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try.
She is absolutely gorgeous and nice, she can make anyone smile in a quick minute and has the funniest comebacks and joke. She has a lot of hope and is willing to love and support you and give you as many chances as you need.

Love who you get and let them know you love them because once you lose them, you might not ever get them back.
guy 1: why are you so happy?
guy 2: Sahar and I are finally dating!
guy 1: damn you are so lucky
by pineapple trainreck February 10, 2019
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