1 definition by philophobia-killz-us-all

A nickname used to refer to a whore of a best friend. One that would ask you if she could sleep with your boyfriend/spouse just so she could get off.

A girl that will come up and talk to you about how bad/good your significant other kisses/makes love just to get a rise out of you.

Let's any man become a "captain" of her "Poopdeck" and brags about it

They usually have names like Ashly,Ashley,Ashlie

I would recommend that if you have an Ash-hole of a friend you "dump her" now for your own sake
God, she tried sleeping with brian again? What an Ash-hole

Ash-hole: Oh god, you wouldn't believe it, your boyfriend slobbers when he kisses

Girlfriend:Oh, sure if you say so

Ash-hole:Man, the guy that rammed me last night was so huge, I was stretched beyond belief

Exfriend:No one wants to hear that you ash-hole
by philophobia-killz-us-all April 27, 2010
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