1 definition by pcnomorecrap

BORIS verb

1. To get things done. A person who gets things done by going the extra distance.
a. A popular action in the face of treacherous and devious opposition
b. “To do a Boris”, achieve the almost impossible when all around are doing everything to prevent it.
c. “To Boris it”, to take an idea through to its ultimate conclusion
2. A Borisite - A follower of a principle, demonstrated by Boris Johnson, who doggedly takes an idea and sees it through to implementation.
3. Boriswall - Similar to but almost reverse of Stonewall chiefly to engage in constructive parliamentary debate or enabling tactics
: to be cooperative, enabling, or constructive
transitive verb

: to refuse to accept defeat
"I borised it"
"Go and do a boris"
"I was struggling up the mountain and was close to exhaustion but reached the summit with some boris"
by pcnomorecrap January 31, 2020
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