1 definition by paddyman g

Scrag (n) a highschool game involving a ball and no rules. The objective is to get the ball and keep it. Can be likened to a pack of mangey wolves fighting for a scrap of meat. Possible precursor to rugby, which is just organised scrag;

Scragger (n) 1. a person who plays scrag or rugby; 2. a complete munter;

Scrag (n) a fight, wrestle or tackle; scragging (n) "he got a right scragging";

Scrag (v) 1. to engage in any attempt to get the ball in a game of scrag; 2. general act of brutal assault, initiated by either an individual or a group (e.g. Scrunter Jones is gonna scrag him to the ground);

Scrag (vt) to inflict damage on someone or something (e.g. if I slip, those rocks will scrag me for sure); scragged (pp); scragging (vi) to be engaged in scrag;

Scragged (pp) hungover: "I'm well and truly scragged".
"Scrunter Jones was the toughest scragger in history - he once scragged 5 guys at once";
"I'll scrag you for it" (being anything you want that someone else has);
"Rustle me up some scragged eggs on toast" (scrambled);
"Oh shit! That sea lion's coming to scrag us".
by paddyman g January 14, 2007
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