1 definition by oooofofofoffofoboiiii

She is the best human being you will ever meet in your life. She is brutally honest even though the truth might hurt, but at the end of the day, she will be the only one you can trust at the end of the day. She is also the great wing woman in the history of the world. If you're having girl/ boy troubles she will be the one to ask. She is a queen and a goddess, and you do not miss with her, ever. you better respect her with all the pride you have in your body.
guy 1: hey bro, I really like this girl but I don't know if she like me back...
guy 2: Oh, really. you should ask Muskaan she can hook you up with some tea. But don't expect too much, the truth hurts sometimes you know.
guy 2: ok, lol, go it
by oooofofofoffofoboiiii February 9, 2019
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