1 definition by omgtissophie

Right, Screw The Almost realistic definitions... Im actually going to take time to write this...

Kids around 14 and are therfore confused in what they want to be during puberty, they run around like hyper little things not realising that it looks pretty stupid...
They like to show off that they know MAINSTREAM bands and songs by playing them outloud in public areas Eg. School, Town.
They die there hair to match everyone else (dip dye - YUCK) And all they really want is to fit in NMW.
Some cake there faces in what appears to be 'Scene' make-up however others go for a more discreet bopper look.
They Walk around with far too many bracelets on and usually 'converse' or 'vans' because of course, everyone freakin' wears them... WELL KIDDIES.

''Hey Like My BMTH, Im Playing It Loud Because I Know You Guys Like Them''

''Freakin' Boppers...''
by omgtissophie July 2, 2012
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