1 definition by omg_jackie

An undercity is a pimple that is found under the skin. They are nearly impossible to pop, and the only way to get rid of them is to wait for them to erupt onto the outer layers of the epidermis.

An undercity is also a city in the fictional Warcraft universe. It can be found in the online game of World of Warcraft, and is ruled by The Forsaken Undead. he Undercity is a city in the fictional Warcraft universe. The subterranean city is located in the continent of Lordaeron beneath the Ruins of Lordaeron on the supercontinent known as the Eastern Kingdoms.
"Man, this undercity on my chin is totally going to ruin my date tonight!"

"Hey br0, m33t m3 in th4 undercity."
by omg_jackie June 23, 2008
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