12 definitions by oi bloody cunt

im having a stroke you say when you repletely mess up a word when talking
1: Hey did you know i hate sidpers

2: what
1: spdier
2: you good
1: Im having a stroke
3: r/Ihadasrtoke
3: damn it
by oi bloody cunt April 20, 2021
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gjsdgff'd;gfgdsgfbfgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg I fell asleep while thinking of something to define and this happened
by oi bloody cunt March 19, 2021
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every 6 yearold's password
Guy: whats your pssword
Kid: Password1
Guy: are you dumb
by oi bloody cunt November 2, 2021
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How the hell did you spell Apple wrong HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN DO THAT. Just add an extra P right next to the P is Aple
Here's a song for you to remember how to spell apple *Medieval Music Starts* Not Aple. Apple A for Another Double P for Penis Penetration L for licking E for E-thots
by oi bloody cunt March 4, 2021
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