1 definition by office_guy

Similar to butt dial, but much less likely to occur. After checking an email on your phone, you fail to hit the lock button. Your butt then accomplishes a highly improbable series of actions: first hits the reply button, then types a bunch of random characters, and then actually hits the send button.
To: _All Atlanta Staff 11:03 AM
From: Kendrell from IT Dept.
Subject: Reboot Reminder

Greetings All,

Please try to remember to save your work and restart your computers on a frequent basis…

To: _All Atlanta Staff 11:07 AM
From: Kyle
Subject: Re: Reboot Reminder

. . nm ...................... ....... vjjjjjjvm um nnN mmmmpppppppmkup i..
Get Outlook for Android

Coworker: “WTF?!!…should we call Kyle to make sure he’s okay?”

Kendrell from IT Dept.: “Nawh man…I think it was just a butt reply.”
by office_guy May 16, 2019
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