1 definition by obssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

THE ORGINIAL or OG name for an APP, you didnt program it yourself and you complain about every APP which is in essence to an extent not on a Daemon Level is a Program. So an app is a program the original name for a program with a graphic user interface (GUI) called an application is abbreviated to APP( google silicone valley shit) Iphone bullshit... but really this all OhBS. so an app which you are using a.k.a. a browser (internet explorer, etc.) is always and always has been OBS because your complaining about something you didn't make.

Example: IG instagram isnt showing me the comments OBS.
Example 2: OBS STUDIO is OBS.
Example3: yo my mechanical machine I made isnt working and they guy i bought from thinks its my fault OBS. PERIOD.

Example 4: OBS.
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