4 definitions by o_Orbit_o

A super funny and sweet artist and mod for mcyt twitch streamers(mainly known for modding tubbo's stream) who streams minecraft sometimes!
person A: Hey person B have you ever heard of Floorb?

Person B: Oh yeah! they're the funny girl who mods Tubbo's streams. I watch his streams!
by o_Orbit_o March 6, 2022
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A holiday made for AimseyTV in spite of National Ranboo Day celebrated the 27th of every month.
Person A: hey wanna hangout

Person B: I can't it's National Aimsey day
by o_Orbit_o February 17, 2022
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Spideyarmy is a really cool, funny, sweet, smart, and pretty twitch streamer who also mods Tubbo's streams. She's
Person A: Spideyarmy is the best Tubbo mod
Person B: facts she's so funny
by o_Orbit_o March 4, 2022
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A 12 year old boy from brazil with a bad sense of humor and no friends.
Person A: God i hate Kyle!

Person B: Ikr he acts like such an Ajenor.
by o_Orbit_o February 20, 2022
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