1 definition by notrassie

An insanely stupid creature that poorly resembles a rat & respawns every 26 hours, usually in sewer outlets, toilets or the back alleys of restaurants in the surrounding towns of London.

Little is known, though it seems to have a solid internet connection and have some sort of curse upon it.

Likes: lil shids, smol tings, wassies & gronks.

Dislikes: Wossums

Will furiously nibble the butthole of any wossums in a 10m radius, its believed this is due to wossums being smelly & untrustworthy but the lore is unclear despite the efforts of the scholars translating the ancient texts.

Habits seem to range from plotting, scheming, looking cute whilst crying & insulting Alex Becker.
*looks in toilet, sees a rassie*
- "why are you back here!?"

*pours bleach into its massive eyes and bludgeons it to death with brush before promptly flushing*
by notrassie November 26, 2022
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