1 definition by nindificating;spidermonkiesG


Lothario: Did you know I have roalty in my blood line baby. Where did you family come from?

Penny C: Oh, really, did you know I can see right threw all your little tricks?

Lothario: Baby, I'll take care of you. You deserve so much better!

Penny C: You mean, you want to touch my vagina and I haven't let you, so you'll tell me anything to get a taste.

Lothario: You know weve been friends for years and were always thier what could it hurt?

Penny C: Well take a look at where we are now Lathario. Pain teaches love and grace wrote all over your face.

Lothario: You still let me.

Penny C: I faked it every time. All i could hear rollin around in your head was, " I can't wait till 9, the boys and I are going to fuck these fine college girls and run that train," but all you said was, "oh baby right thier," insted. Now, who's twisted sista peter whacker cracker.

Lothario: Your suck a biotch!

Penny C: Yup yup, you taught me well, dizzy Dixon. Now hold your breath or you cock and balls and let me know how that turns out for ya!
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