1 definition by neevcat

Magnum bars are ice cream bars dipped in chocolate. They come in Classic (vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate), Almond (vanilla ice cream dipped in almond-infested chocolate), Double Chocolate (Chocolate ice cream dipped in chocolate, then gooey delicious fudge, then chocolate again) and the very best, Double Caramel (vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate, then dipped in caramel, then dipped in chocolate again). These ice cream bars just recently came to the United States from parts of Europe and Australia, and are almost better than sex. Literal orgasm in your mouth. Go out to Safeway or Wal-Mart and pick some up NOW
Dude, are you and Joe gonna bang tonight?
No way, I have a box of Magnum Bars waiting for me at home!
by neevcat May 3, 2011
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