2 definitions by name unknown 🥰

One of the most amazing people in the whole entire world, she is such a caring and loving person who always has your back. Jeanne, as soon as you meet her makes you feel so safe and cared for.

You can talk to her about anything and she will have an answer to every question you ask. She's gorgeous, beautiful and hilarious! No matter what she says or does she her beauty will shine through.

She's always there when you need her and will always help you out!
Get yourself a Jeanne and you'll be happy forever
by name unknown 🥰 October 8, 2019
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Tara is the absolute perfect person. She's a fucking queen! She knows everyway to make you happy when you're sad. She is one of the strongest people you will ever meet, is full of talent and is a fucking amazing singer! Her specialty is Like a Virgin so find yourself a Tara and get her to sing it ! She may not realise it at first but she's an absolute angel. She always puts everyone else before herself and everyone admires her. She has the best laugh, and is the most entertaining friend you will meet! Tara has the most wonderful personality and knows what to say to everyone in every situation. She's is the least offensive person you will ever meet and you can always feel safe and trusted with her. She's the funniest fucking bitchass you will ever come across! Anyone that doesn't have a Tara is jealous of those who do, and those who are Tara! Tara is one of the most sexy, gorgeous beautiful, stunning, person ever to be created and the most amazing, kind, caring and compassionate person ever !! Everyone loves Tara 💛💋‼️
by name unknown 🥰 October 8, 2019
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