1 definition by muthrphukr
this challenge is not for the feint of heart. it is a simple challenge, all you have to do is eat 3 dozen (36) bread-stick's in one hour without anything to drink. the participants should not have to pay for the bread-sticks. if the participants should complete the challenge, then he or she will be declared a fazoli's master.
Hunter: Yo bro you up for some fazoli's?
Ryan: Only if you take the fazoli's challenge
Hunter: Whats the challenge?
Ryan: oh you just gotta eat 36 breadsticks in one hour with NOTHING to drink. And if you can do it, you will be crowned a fazoli's master
Hunter: Oh you're on bro, that's pussy work.
Ryan: Only if you take the fazoli's challenge
Hunter: Whats the challenge?
Ryan: oh you just gotta eat 36 breadsticks in one hour with NOTHING to drink. And if you can do it, you will be crowned a fazoli's master
Hunter: Oh you're on bro, that's pussy work.
by muthrphukr June 25, 2011