1 definition by mitchell fuckin t

A word originating from the movie Silence of the Lambs. Around the time Clarice is walking to meet Hannibal for the first time, she unknowingly grabs the attention of a resident psychotic man in a adjacent cell, who throws a handful of semen on her, while saying "I can smell your cunt!"

On network television broadcasts of this movie, though, instead of the word "cunt," the man says "scent," or "I can smell your scent!" The man's mouth is still saying "cunt" which then makes the word seem as if it is saying "SCEOUNT" but can easily be said as "SUNT."
Clarice walks by the crazy man.
Man throws a wad of prison semen on Clarice.
Man exclaims "I CAN SMELL YOUR SUNT!"
by mitchell fuckin t December 18, 2007
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