1 definition by miss mysterious and lonley

someone who trys to fit in with someone or a group of people,labeling themselve like im so punk omg
1) if trying to be a punk they come in with band tee's and Hot Topic pants just to fit in with the punks meanwhile the day before that she liked rap and wore a mini skirt with her uptowns and G-Unit shirt
2) gosh like tomorrow im gonna turn punk and then the next day im gonna be goth and hten im gonna be emo and then im gonna turn gangsta and then ghetto and then im gonna be a thug and then the next day im gonna be a poser and then im gonna turn prep again!! gosh im gonna be so god darn kewl!!
in ex) a girl named andrea will be playing the poser and the punks are gonna be...the punks of course lol

Andrea"omg im so punk when i walk into school tomorrow with my converse and my band tee, even though i dont like the band but im just trying to fit in with all the cool punk kids so i have to look cool and totally punk rawk,my green hair the punk rawkers are ognna wanna be my friend!!"
(the next day in school punks walk up to girl)
Punks "your a poser go back to your freaken mini skirt and uptowns your no punk go home poser"
(later that day at home)
Andrea"omg i dont know what went wrong!!! im gonna be emo now and cry alot now while listening to my emotionless music"
by miss mysterious and lonley August 21, 2005
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