2 definitions by mike devivo

The act of inserting a cream sickle into a woman's vagina immediately after giving birth, the warmth of the embryonic fluid melts the cream sickle and what is left on the stick is California dream cream.
The young boy went up to the ice cream truck and asked the man for a Spongebob pop. The man gave him the pop and the boy exclaimed "that's not a spongebob pop, that's California Dream Cream!"
by mike devivo February 8, 2015
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the act of assfucking a girl, then creampieing her asshole. As you pull out your dick, your man batter and her shit combines to form the glaze that is coating your cock. You proceed to insert your half chub into her pussy knowing she is on her period. As you fuck her the frothy creamy substance around her vag is carolina custard swirl.
After cumming in her ass, and fucking her right in the pussy, she scooped out the sweet carolina custard swirl and spread it on the peanut butter sandwich.
by mike devivo February 8, 2015
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