1 definition by mewithoutYou7926

Hardcore Dancing is a form of self-expression, talent, balance, ethics, music, and style. The stereo type to hardcore kids is emo kids but they aren't and if you think that they are, go talk to one. Hardcore dancing is an evolved version of moshing/slamdancing along with skanking thats taken a new form. Skanking is a dance to go with punk and in the mid-80's when punk was going political and much harder than it was, the dancing changed with it. From the skanking you later get the twostep. And if your familar with slamdancing (or even just fighting) that is where you get the windmill from. The word 'Hardcore' it self is so misused. Hardcore is the scene that evolved from punks in the late eighties at all age shows. At these all age shows they would serve liquor but most punks were against drinking (and were underage) so at the door they got marked with an 'x' on their hands so they could not buy any liqour. At these shows they would skank as well as hardcore dance and be proud that they couldn't drink cause it wasn't right and from that came straight edge.
Hardcore Dancing- mixture of all different body movements that combines two-step (related to skanking), windmill, kicks, jumps, and anything that the person feels that expresses how they are or feel. done whereever to hardcore.

Skank- a dance done to punk in which one leg goes in front than slides back while the arms stay paralell to the ground and move up and down.

Two Step- an evolved skank in which the legs are twisted outward into a circle and cross in front of the other.

Windmill- a arm movement in which arms are fully extended and move on the shoulder's axis like windmills.

Pickn' Up Change- an arm movement in which the arms are thrown at the ground in punching movements while your body is low and your legs are spread.

Other Moves- those are the basics and depending on the intensity (or lack of), the person itself, the town, and the scene, there will be all different moves and dances.
by mewithoutYou7926 August 11, 2006
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