1 definition by meetyouatbigfish

The rare is one of many species of asisn, she can often be seen lurking in the depth of big fish, she is confused and devidied between to lovers, floyd and payne. You can spot the chantel by noticing the lack of a closed mouth caused by irregualar gum size. Do not get the chantel confused wiht the cute fluffy lovable common Rat. Her shoe size is higher than her IQ. (Coincedentaly the smae as yours). NO BOOBS!!
Man 1. man i just took a massive dump
Man 2. no man thats chantel

Man 1. I just pulled an aligator out of the swamp
Man 2. no thats chantel

Teacher. Where is your homework?
Student. My Chantel ate it
by meetyouatbigfish February 29, 2008
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