1 definition by me, myself

the biggest pieces of shit in the entire fucking world. old people who make every restaraunt in the whole state of florida crowded from 2-10 p.m. all snowbirds migrate south for the winter so their rich asses don't have to deal with snow. they take their entire goddamn families and drive down the middle of the road at .000000000000000000000001 miles per hour, and are known for causing crashes at this intense speed. although, the younger snowbirds have been known to push 5 mph at times. all snowbirds are stubborn, rich, and have absolutley no idea how to drive a car.
person 1: hey person 2, want to go get something to eat?
perosn 2: we can't, it's fucking snowbird season!
person 1: let's go crash their million dollar cars so maybe they will leave!
person 2: great idea!
person 1: yeah, snowbirds suck ass!
by me, myself April 27, 2006
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