1 definition by maximousblk

Come on u should know who pewdiepie is!

The most subscribed youtube channel made by a swedish blonde with a childish girly scream.
Originally named Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg.
He usually (always) boasts of his custom made chair worth $399 and challenges all other chairs by lying flat on his chair and asking "Can you do THIS?".
He has gained huge amounts of popularity on YouTube by playing horror games.
PewDiePie's signature move is a fist bump, in which he calls a 'Brofist' because he has an awkward handshake.
He has a very loud intro generally followed by "RIP Headphone users!!!".

Some say he is a talentless, irritating Swedish moron who has earned undeserved fame and fortune through painfully unfunny Youtube videos.

He is unexpectedly popular for just sitting on his ass all day, play PC games, make ugly faces, and comes up with the lamest gay jokes. He's popular for doing those things, but there's plenty of other PC gamers on youtube who do the exact same thing as Pewdiepie, yet they don't get as much credit as Pewdiepie.

He is suspected to be slow poisoning his dog "Edgar" and torturing with wavy pools

But that's what others say. I say he has the best sense of marketing and knows what people want? Overall, he is himself a meme!!!
PewDiePie is not a Jerk. He is the Result of unprotected Jerk off!!!
by maximousblk July 5, 2018
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