2 definitions by man on the computer

An infatuation you develop over another person. It will cause you to think about them every hour of everyday. It is the worst thing that can happen, causing a lot of stress and heartbreak. It can and probably will keep a real relationship from developing if you are shy and inexperienced. Best way to avoid it: if you feel attracted to someone, talk to them right away and every chance you can, whatever you do!!!!
A crush is an illusion that makes you think you know someone, but it is actually keeping you from really knowing them.
by man on the computer October 22, 2007
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This is the worst feeling you can feel for someone. If you're shy and you don't talk to them or know them that well, then you are attracted to an assumption of who they really are. If you like someone, talk to them right away!!!! Never be uncomfortable talking to someone you're attracted to. Believe me, its hell having a crush on someone and then getting courage to try to be friends with them first, especially if they turn out to be someone you didn't think they were.
A crush is the most evil god forsaken feeling anyone can get, do not develop one, its a waste of energy and thoughts, and no matter the result, good or bad, some is gonna get hurt. Be friends with some you like before its too late... and you get a fucking crush!
by man on the computer May 20, 2007
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