1 definition by lukas.jsm

Prestalgia is a similar feeling to nostalgia. It's not for a time that's been in the past but rather in the future. You already feel nostalgic about these moments and you know that you'll be nostalgic about them long after they've passed. You can also be prestalgic about a big dream.
"Bro I feel so prestalgic about the trip to this pacific island. It will be something so special. Flying there in that small plane during sunrise, looking at the stars with my girlfriend or eating breakfast at the beach."
"Man that even gives me chills"


"If I'm done with university I really wanna do a trip through south america in a little VW Van. Just travelling and experiencing all these beautiful scenerys. I feel so much prestalgia thinking about that.
by lukas.jsm September 18, 2020
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