1 definition by looklikeimgoingforaswim

A bad bitch. In fact, she is the baddest bitch. There is no other in the game. She is often misunderstood because she is demanding, direct, and straightforward. She won't hesitate to tell you off if you say something that sets her off. Because of her forthright personality, some people may think she is mean, but she is actually a real sweetheart. She loves sports and is a cheery person. She is also someone that you can laugh with for hours!

She may not always have the best words to say, but you know that she is someone that you can confide in. If you find yourself lucky enough to date her then you will notice that she invests a lot of love and care. She will take care of you but won't cater to your every need. She matches your energy, so just note if you don't text her for 3 hours she won't text you for 4 hours. Shydae can be moody at times, but ultimately she does what she feels like doing. She's been through more than what you can see on the surface. However, everything she goes through just makes her a badder bitch! You wish you could be her!
Shydae is a bad bitch!
by looklikeimgoingforaswim April 18, 2019
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