1 definition by lodibels

the word itself shows peculiarity, so does she. she drags peoples minds into deep depths that depicts sceneries that are breathtakingly enjoyable and/or memorable. the quirky aura she shows makes her easy to get along with. she is understanding and can be one of the most reliable peeps you’ll meet within an eternity. she can be funny at one second and be full of rage in the next. she definitely isn’t one whom you’d like to pick fights with because she will make you realize how dumb you are in the aftermath. she values everything she wants to wholeheartedly and always gives others what she can to the point where she forgets her well-being for the sake of those she wants to protect and value. selfless is a word in-sync to “wyntha”. she can give you mixed emotions in one setting and that’s perfectly fine because regardless of her shortcomings, she will always be one in a trillion:
guy 1 : hey dude, have you heard of the word Wyntha?

guy 2 : nah, why?

guy 1 : oh, cause I wish I’d meet a Wyntha in this lifetime.
by lodibels August 17, 2021
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