1 definition by lilasian87

Relation based on couple who can see other people.

The people into open relationship say that:
-they are more honest and successful than the people into closed ones,
-that people into closed ones are jealous of them,
-that people into closed ones are being said since they were child that open relationships are bad.
-that people into closed ones are not free minded*

Open relationships doesn't impeach:
-cross the rules

Moreover, people involved are not fully free, they are still held down by rules and the one you're in couple with.

Free minded here means that you have to follow all the ideas that free minded groups have. Closed minded means that you follow all ideas "regular" groups have.
By following, a group of idea, which group can say that they are more free than the other group?

People in "regular" relationships just think that you are in useless stuff.

Being single is the real status that you makes you really free.
A is in an open relationship with his girlfriend.

A flirts with every girl he meets and sometimes have sex whereas the rule is to not have sex.

Then he come back home and say that he just flirted with B, C, D. So, his girlfriend thank him for have not crossed any rule (whereas he did).

He actually loves to have this image of perfect prince fully dedicated with NO FLAWS and still act dirty undercover.
by lilasian87 October 22, 2012
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