1 definition by likethinkpink
Serj Tankian- One of the singers of System Of A Down or SoaD for short. If he isnt your idol then you may need to consider comitting suicide
Faggot: Im so glad SoaD is on an indefinate hiatus so that that guy with the weird hair,voice, and beard can get lost
Friend: Hey dude, if you dont go see a therapist soon about your problem you may kill yourself
Faggot: What?! Why
Friend: Well if you dont do it your self I might just have to kill you... Serj Tankian is on a level close to god... get over it
Friend: Hey dude, if you dont go see a therapist soon about your problem you may kill yourself
Faggot: What?! Why
Friend: Well if you dont do it your self I might just have to kill you... Serj Tankian is on a level close to god... get over it
by likethinkpink August 29, 2008