1 definition by lifetime skeptic

"Allahu akbar" means "The Lord is the most magnificent" in arabic and you often hear this during muslim prayer ceremonies and adhan(Islamic call to worship) and you might hear it from a muslim worshiper recited repeatedly as a short prayer phrase. The aforementioned practice is called "Dhikr" which is comparable with rosary of catholic tradition.Unfortunately as in the islamic world the institution of religion is comandeered by islamists, for many non-muslims this phrase has become an ominous slogan associated with belligerent radical islamists or worse, a battle cry of terrorists for people too often hear it from suicide bombers propagandizing other devoted muslims into acknowledging their horrendous cause as pious.
Parts of Adhan:
Allahu akbar

Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah
The Lord is the most magnificent
I bear witness that there is no god but god
by lifetime skeptic May 8, 2018
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